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java man造句

"java man"是什么意思  
  • Next week, we'll head to the stomping ground of the Java Man.
  • Both Java Man and Peking Man date back to about 300, 000 years ago.
  • Java Man belongs to the species " Homo erectus ".
  • Or at least Sun would like us to think of him as Java Man.
  • Java Man was discovered by Eug鑞e Dubois in 1891.
  • Better defined is the genetic separation among Neanderthals, Flores hobbit, Java man, and Peking man.
  • The fossils of Java Man have been housed at the Naturalis in the Netherlands since 1900.
  • The find later became known as Java man.
  • After all, Asia had yielded the fossils of the primitive human popularly known as Java Man in 1891.
  • The narrative flow of " Java Man " could be improved, but the material itself couldn't be more riveting.
  • It's difficult to see java man in a sentence. 用java man造句挺难的
  • He called his finds " Pithecanthropus erectus " ( " ape-human that stands upright " ) or Java Man.
  • HISTORY : " Java Man " is believed to have lived on Indonesia's main island a half million years ago.
  • Dubois classified Java Man with Haeckel's " Pithecanthropus " label, though they were later reclassified as " Homo erectus ".
  • In " Java Man,"
  • In any case, the term itself is misleading, as any known transitional fossil, like Java Man, is no longer missing.
  • Ralph von Koenigswald first assigned Java Man to the Trinil Fauna, a faunal assemblage that he composed from several Javanese sites.
  • He was the author of an influential treatise on Java Man, it being a recent discovery by Eug鑞e Dubois ( 1858-1940 ).
  • The teeth are more primitive than those of Homo erectus, the species to which the famous Java man and Peking man belong.
  • Java Man, were found between layers of volcanic debris in Java, Indonesia . and possibly until 200, 000 years ago in Indonesia.
  • Now believed to be between 2 and 3 million years old, the Taung Child predated Java Man by hundreds of thousands of years.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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